Tuesday, August 18, 2009

September Meeting Info

We had a great time looking at the artifacts in the Fine Arts Museum at the U of U campus. Many off us came home with enough winter project ideas we will be busy until next spring.
After grabbing a bite of lunch we headed to Lehi to visit Cabela’s. It was a lot of fun to walk through the store and have people stop us and ask why were dressed and where the Rendezvous was. It was great advertising.

Next months meeting will be “Top of Utah” on September 19th. We will shoot our guns to start the race. You need to be heading up Black Smith Fork at 6:00am or earlier. If the weather is good a few of us will camp in Left Hand so we can make it up the canyon. Plan on being stuck up the canyon for a few hours after the race begins. The club will provide breakfast. It will be great to have a bunch of us DRESSED and ready to shoot our guns to start the marathon.
Jim & Karen Gills daughter Jessica was voted in as a pilgrim. Welcome her to our club. Also, it was voted to buy a picture of a bear from a trader for $50.00. This print will be used as the cover to the ledger and then be part of the raffle. Wyatt will take care of the purchase.

Remember if you are having a hard time opening your newsletter you can always check out the blog at

Also new club flags and membership cards are here. If you have paid your dues you will receive them at a meeting if you have not already. If you have not paid your dues you will want to pay them NOW so you can.
See you at the “TOP OF UTAH”, Mandy

1 comment:

  1. September meetting was good, I drank Rum-a-lade and shoot gun to start race. Can't wait to see ya all at Halloween party.
